Everything Comes Full Circle

I think I’m gonna settle in, now…


When I started using tiling WMs, I decided to use DWM since I had heard so many great things about it. And yet when I wanted to make DWM mine...I couldn’t. But I saw another WM that did suit my needs: i3-gaps. So I hopped to that and ported over my config. It went great for a while! But as time went on, I realized that it just wasn’t doing what I wanted it to do anymore. It was around this same time that I decided to switch over to OpenBSD, and since I like falling for stereotypes, BSPWM was the next logical move. I liked how its configuration was an actual language that I could easily customize and that all of the hotkeys were stored separate from everything else and everything was very small and modular. Well, I realized that BSPWM is pretty much i3 but a bit more minimal. Everything I’ve tried to do on other WMs was replicate DWM without actually using DWM. But I’m a fool - why not just use DWM??? I have skills in C nowadays, and with a bit of learning (as in I spent the entire day tweaking) I was able to get literally the perfect setup. Almost. I still have a bit more to do but now I have to update all of my dotfiles from BSPWM to DWM again. Maybe I’ll make a video about it.